(+1) 418-261-7460
20 Rue St-Nicolas, Québec, QC, G1K 6T2, Canada

Accompagnement sécuritaire des projets

captosec standard-quality-control-collage-concept

Build safety into your projects to mitigate risk

Increasingly, we see that most organisations wait until their services or products are in production before thinking about security. This approach increases not only costs, but also the security risks that can compromise the security of information systems.

CAP2SEC thinks differently and recommends integrating security from the start of the life cycle of any project in order to identify and correct security flaws in good time. This practice is valid for any type of project (software development, server acquisition, start-up of a new service, etc.). ).

What we do

CAPTOSEC uses the NIST Special Publication SP-800-64 Revision 2 to help organisations integrate security requirements and controls into their planning for each phase of the system lifecycle.

Our security experts carry out the activities illustrated in the diagram opposite. They can also supervise the implementation of these activities when they are carried out by customers or third parties.


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