(+1) 418-261-7460
20 Rue St-Nicolas, Québec, QC, G1K 6T2, Canada

Évaluation des vulnérabilités

captosec JEMA GER 1426-24

CAPTOSEC assesses your vulnerabilities to prevent attacks

An information system is a set of organised resources (human, material, administrative procedures, etc.) on which an organisation relies to achieve its business objectives. In most cases, these resources are not sufficiently protected against security threats. As a result, they are exposed and targeted by well-organised hackers or disgruntled employees who can compromise the confidentiality, integrity or availability of data, applications, services, systems and networks.

What CAPTOSEC offers

Our vulnerability assessment service helps our customers to identify security flaws in their IT infrastructures. The vulnerabilities we uncover generally come from a number of sources:

Our security analysts assess the vulnerabilities of your information systems, drawing on techniques, tools, methodologies and best practices from industry-recognised norms and standards.

Our services

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